You’re not alone. A 2008 survey found that 35% of Americans are unhappy with their jobs.*
Do you know why you’re unhappy? Some common causes are:
- You’re not getting the recognition you deserve
- You have to work too many hours
- The environment at your workplace is toxic
- You’re bored
- Your job is unfulfilling
- You feel like you’re not getting anywhere
- You hate what you’re doing
- You’ve been doing the same thing for too long
So where do you start to fix this problem?
To really understand why you’re unhappy and what to do about it, you first have to understand yourself better. We help you take a comprehensive approach to self-exploration to discover your inborn talents, your personality, your passions, your values, and your goals. Once you have this information, we will help you decide whether you need to change careers, change jobs within your career, or make changes in your current job that will help you balance your life and work within your values.
If you’re tired of going to a job you hate, and are ready to make a change, contact us for a free consultation to find out how we can help.
More information
- Change at Midlife: Does it have to be a Crisis?
- Personality Type and Career Development
- This Career would Never have Occurred to me!
- Personality Type in the Workplace
* The second annual Labor Happiness survey was conducted by Ipsos Public Affairs, a third-party research company. For the survey, conducted July 17-31, 2008, a nationally representative sample of 1,079 Americans employed in hourly or salaried employment were interviewed by telephone via Ipsos’ U.S. Telephone Express Omnibus.